Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Week 14: Coloured portraits

The Photograph of the week was by Arka Dhara ;)
The other notable photographs are of Aakash Sethi, Durnibar Saha and Rajat Dey.

If you Like Arka Dhara's work, "like" his page:

If you like Aakash Sethis' work, "like" his page:

Join us at Facebook group.

Week 13 wrap up : Open theme

This week also our theme was Open to all categories. The Photograph of the week is of Koustab Das.

The other photographs of the week includes...photos by Rajat Dey, Soham Chatterji and Soumyo Jyoti Bannerjee. [Click to enlarge, note: automatic gallery]
If you have liked Soham Chatterji's work, "like" his page also :
Thats all for week 13 ;) Join us at Facebook group.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Week 12: Open theme, wrap up.

This week and the next week, we had the theme : Open theme, where all us friends could upload anything which we had not earlier uploaded and we thought were worth to steal the show.
Here are six of them displayed.
We have two photographs of the week. One by Pratik Shivagunde, and the second by Anirban Saha.. and its their second tie :D

The photograph above, is shot by Pratik Shivagunde. Caption : Colours.
The photograph, by the left side is shot by Anirban Saha, Caption: Shonar Tori (the golden boat), being shot at a village in West Bengal.
Pratik Shivagunde, is a medical student from Solapur, Maharashtra  and is one of the co founders of the group, While I am Anirban. So I will cut both of us short over here...

"Like" this to support Pratik Shivagunde's Photography:

"Like" this to support Anirban Saha's Photography:

Caption: Mood Swings.                                       Caption: Untitled.
Photo Credits: Aakash Sethi                               Photo Credits: Arka Dhara

Arka Dhara is a dreamer.... dreaming all his way, he clicks so beautiful conceptual photos thats mersmerising us all. This dreamer is a bit more than just another dreamer we see around us.. He is recruited by the Tata Consultancy Services, like me and is awaiting his Joining letter :) He recently has also opened his photography page... Do "like" his page after having visited it...

Caption : Fly on.
This is posted by a very new member of the group - Nitin Dokania, who is also recruited by Tata Consultancy Services.
He is an amateur photographer and a gadget fanatic :D
He blogs at http://nitindokania.posterous.com/
Well we are looking forward to more of his shots!

The above two photographs were submitted by Pratyay Mukhopadhyay. He is a student of Civil Engineering from one of the most reputed engineering colleges of the country.  Do check this photography page at Facebook and show for him support: